Welcome to the St. Luke’s Sports winter season of Soccer! We are very excited to get this season started and can’t wait for you to join us.
Soccer is open to all genders and we will have co-ed teams for each age division from Pre-K through 5th grade. Registration includes a jersey and a medal.
Early Bird registration will take place December 16-December 31. Register early and get $25 off of your child’s registration! No code is required; the price is automatically adjusted at checkout.
Registration will then be open through January 29. This is a firm deadline and will allow us the time needed to form teams and ensure an organized start of the season.
Each age group will have a specific night of the week and will practice and play on that night, using the I-9 format. Practices will take place on the front fields at St. Luke’s UMC.
- Tuesday: Pre-K and K-1st Grade Division at 6:00 p.m.
- Thursday: 2nd-3rd and 4th-5th Grade Division at 6:00 p.m.
Our season begins with practices the week of February 10 and goes through the week of April 7.
The cost is $150 per child. Returning players who don’t need a new jersey can use Discount Code: UNIFORM to save $20.
We need coaches! Please volunteer to coach when you sign your child up. If you are registering multiple children, fill out the coaching information on the child/children’s team(s) you would like to coach.
As an added bonus, those who serve as a coach during the 2025 soccer season can use the code: COACH and their registration fee (for the child’s team they are coaching) will be waived!
We have a limited number of scholarships available. If you want to apply for a scholarship, please email hestep@stlukes.one for a Scholarship Form. You will need to wait to register until you hear back on your scholarship application.