Updated 9/26/24
Find out what assistance programs you may qualify for,
by using Orange County’s new Centralized Eligibility Questionnaire. |
It only takes a few minutes.
Orange County Centralized Questionnaire
For information about sales tax holidays please click the link below.
Florida Sales Tax Holidays
For a comprehensive list containing diverse areas of support,
check out our updated document here.
Community Resource List 03.05.24
Orange County Resources
Health and health care
Orange County Florida Health – Florida Department of Health in Orange County
Orange County – COVID-19 testing and vaccination information
Orlando Health – Orlando Health patients, age 65 or older, are eligible to receive a free Covid-19 vaccine. If you want to receive a vaccine from Orlando Health, please click on the link to get information on scheduling an appointment Orlando Health Vaccine Info.
Center for Disease Control (CDC)– Global updates on health guidelines.
Grace Medical – Services include medical, mental, dental, ophthalmology and spiritual care. Their requirement includes Orange County residency, no income in the past 6 months, no medical insurance and others. By appointment only. May need to call on 27th of each month at 8 a.m. to make an appointment, but please check details on Grace Medical website for current information.
Physical Activities Guidelines for Americans – Free resource with activities and guidelines for all ages.
Covering Central Florida- Residents who have lost their health insurance or have experienced a change in income within the last 60 days may be eligible to qualify for a special enrollment period through the federal ACA Marketplace. Licensed health-care navigators from Covering Central Florida are available to provide over the phone, confidential assistance for the ACA Marketplace, as well as Florida KidCare. Additionally, the Primary Care Access Network in Orange County may be able to assist underinsured and uninsured residents with access, quality, and coordination of health care services.
Shepherd’s Hope – Shepherd’s Hope is a faith-based ministry providing free, short-term medical care for uninsured residents of Central Florida using volunteer doctors and nurses. Shepherd’s Hope operates at 5 locations in the Greater Orlando area that are open mainly in the evenings between 6:00 PM and 9:00 PM in donated clinic space. A list of centers and their hours of operation can be found on the website.
Cancer Support Community – Financial assistance to individuals affected by cancer who have lost their jobs or need help with food, utilities, and other basic needs. Toll-free CancerSupportHelpline® staffed by licensed professionals open 7 days a week. To request an application for assistance from the fund, please call this toll-free number: 1.888.409.4166.
Free Mammogram Screenings for Uninsured Women – The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Breast Cancer Awareness Coach will travel to various U.S. locations in 2022, to provide free screenings for uninsured women, for early detection of breast cancer through a mobile mammogram unit. They currently do not have a Mobile Screening Event locally, but check website for any updates.
StartYourRecovery.org– Support for overcoming substance misuse
Second Harvest Food Bank – Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida is a private, nonprofit organization that collects, stores and distributes donated food to more than 550 feeding partners in six Central Florida counties: Brevard, Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Volusia. Use the Food Locator on the website to find the location of a partner near you.
United Against Poverty – low-cost grocery program – United Against Poverty is a registered non-profit with campuses in 3 locations: Orange, Indian River and S. Lucie counties. They provide a variety of services including food assistance. Qualified families who are living in the 200% below the Federal Poverty Level must fill out an application. Upon qualification, they receive a free Member Card. Once they are given a card, they can select any food or household product they may need for their households.
USDA Food Group Recommendations – US Department of Agriculture website for choosing the right foods based on age, weight, height, sex and activity level.
Healthy Eating – FREE online learning games on healthy eating and nutrition. Good for children and teens.
Medicaid – View current information on Medicaid programs or resources regarding SNAP, TANF, and Medicaid benefits.
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) SNAP provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of needy families so they can purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency. To learn more about SNAP (food assistance program) and eligibility, visit: Click here to learn more about SNAP benefits.
WIC (Women, Infants and Children) WIC is a nutrition program for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding or who have recently been pregnant, infants & children under age 5.
WIC provides the following at no cost: healthy foods, nutrition education and counseling, breastfeeding support, referrals to health care, immunizations, and community services. To learn more about WIC benefits and eligibility requirements, click here.
TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) The Florida Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program is designed to help needy families achieve self-sufficiency. States receive grants to design and operate programs that accomplish one of the purposes of the TANF program.
The four purposes of the TANF program are to:
- Provide assistance to needy families so that children can be cared for in their own homes
- Reduce the dependency of needy parents by promoting job preparation, work and marriage
- Prevent and reduce the incidence of out-of-wedlock pregnancies
- Encourage the formation and maintenance of two-parent families
To apply online, please visit Florida’s online application portal. You may speak with a TANF agent Monday – Friday (7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) at 1.866.762.2237 or 850.300.4323.
Senior Resource Alliance – Get information about food, meals and nutrition programs and assistance for seniors.
Tax Information
- Duke Energy Payment Arrangements –set up payment extension or arrangement
- Energy Neighbor Fund: – You can make an impact! A small gift (even a gift of just $1 ) goes directly to an individual or family
- Medically Essential Program: Duke Energy’s Medically Essential Program identifies residential customers who are dependent on continuously electric-powered medical equipment. Participation in the program does not guarantee uninterrupted electric service. The program does not automatically extend electric bill due dates, nor does it provide priority restoration.
Note: All of these pages are available in Spanish.
Duke Energy Customer Care Center can be reached at 800.700.8744.
OUC News/Utility Bill Payment Assistance – OUC is supporting their customers with a variety of solutions. If you need assistance, they have options to extend your payment due date. Additionally, there are community assistance programs with special funds available for people impacted by COVID-19. www.ouc.com/assistance
Heart of Florida – Utility Assistance – The Emergency Utility Assistance Program provides assistance to customers who are experiencing a financial emergency and in need of assistance. This supports customers of Winter Park Electric Utilities, Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC), and Lake Apopka Natural Gas District (LANGD).
Internet connections
Free Tablet Rentals – City of Orlando residents can now check out a tablet for FREE for 2 weeks at 4 locations (Engelwood, Rosemont, Dr. James R Smith and John H Jackson Neighborhood Centers). For more details visit orlando.gov/freeconnect.
Valencia Community College Accelerated Skills Training– programs focus on hands-on training for jobs in manufacturing, construction, healthcare, information technology, transportation and logistics. You’ll have the opportunity to earn industry-recognized credentials, train in essential workplace skills and receive job placement support. Programs begin monthly and are located in Orange and Osceola counties. To learn more, click here https://net1.valenciacollege.edu/continuing-education/accelerated-skills-training-programs/
Orange Technical College – Skills-Based Training and classes available.
Central Florida Employment Council –Job fairs, online job listings, resume assistance and so much more.
If you are job searching, then you don’t want to miss this event! Job Fair to feature 75-100 companies offering 1000’s of job openings in various industries from around the Central Florida Region as well as career resources on hand to assist you with your job search! Central Florida has amazing job opportunities, come join us! Registration and attendance information for the job fairs: www.CFEC.org/job-fairs. Questions call Christian HELP/CFEC at (407) 834-4022.
Housing & Rental Assistance
Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida – Now that the CDC Moratorium has ended, many renters at risk of immediate eviction. If you’re a renter having trouble paying your rent, utilities, or other housing costs may find information at Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida.
Residents seeking legal advice regarding their rights as tenants may contact the Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar or Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida.
Visit Rental Assistance Application Events to see upcoming event dates for application events. If you want to speak to an attorney one-on-one, register at: https://bit.ly/clsmfERAnav or call 1.800.405.1417.
Mortgage: If you are having trouble making a mortgage payment your first call should be to the company that receives your mortgage payments each month. They may be able to arrange temporary mortgage assistance options, including a mortgage forbearance plan. A forbearance plan doesn’t erase the amount you own, but it temporarily suspends payments until your hardship is over. https://www.fanniemae.com/here-help-homeowners
Renter’s Insurance- Information on renter’s insurance in Florida.
Pet Alliance
- Who is Eligible? Citizens of Orange, Seminole or Osceola County who are in need of supplemental dog or cat food are eligible to participate in this program at the Pet Alliance Orlando.
- How Do You Get Food? Pet food is available BY APPOINTMENT for individuals in need and can be picked up once monthly for a total of six months. Availability of food is based on donations to the shelter, so specific brands and types of food are not guaranteed. First time visitors will receive a punch card that they must bring with them for each visit (once per month, up to six months). Retuning visitors MUST bring their punch card. Photo ID is required and guests will need to wear a face covering while on Pet Alliance property. Please schedule an appointment at the Sanford shelter located at:
2800 County Home Road
Sanford, FL 32773
Affordable veterinarian services also offered – see website for details and locations.
St. Luke’s Missions Ministry is providing this information as it is shared with us. We appreciate you letting us know if you find updated information or if you have additional information about available resources.
Please send updates or other sources of information to serve@stlukes.one. We will update this list as information comes in. Please check back, as needed.