Please note that by completing your Estimate of Giving, you have not set up your automatic payment.
Please note that by completing your estimate of giving, you have not set up your automatic payment.
If you would like information regarding special giving arrangements (i.e. last will and testament, charitable gift annuity, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, life insurance, etc.), please contact Andrea Whisnant-Burgis, St. Luke’s Church Accountant.
You can make a recurring or one-time donation on our Giving Page.
Setting up a recurring gift does not cancel any existing recurrences. You will need to cancel that gift separately.
To modify a gift: Once you log in to your Pushpay account, “Recurring Gifts” is in the upper right corner, gifts set up appear underneath, and the word “Edit” is right next to the gift. After “Edit” is clicked, there’s one more step – clicking a big blue “Edit recurring” button at the bottom. Any part of the set-up can be changed – from the amount, to the frequency, to the fund, etc.
To cancel a gift: Instead of clicking the “Edit” next to the gift in “Recurring Gifts,” you have to actually click on the gift itself. That brings up the options to cancel or pause.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Andrea Whisnant-Burgis by email or 407.876.4991 ext. 227.
Printable 2024 Estimate of Giving Card
St. Luke’s receives with joyful thanksgiving, the many gifts that God provides through faithful St. Lukers. Thank you for sharing your time, talent, treasure, and witness. St. Luke’s seeks to be good stewards and manage these resources wisely.
Operating Budget
What can I do?
- Share an Estimate of Giving: Let St. Luke’s know you’re planning on supporting the church’s vital ministries. Your Estimate of Giving is used to set St. Luke’s annual operating budget. Submit your Estimate of Giving using the form above or email your information to
- Give online: Click here to log in to the “My St. Luke’s” secure giving site and make your one time or recurring gift. Your one-time or recurring gift supports all those of count on St. Luke’s ministries for help, hope, and healing as well as spiritual growth. Establishing consistent giving patterns is part of our discipleship journey and every gift is important no matter the size.
QuickGive Online Giving FAQs
A. Click here or text SLUMC to +1 (833) 245-5230 to receive a link to “QuickGive.”
Q. Is St. Luke’s QuickGive system secure?
A. St. Luke’s online giving system is powered by Pushpay, a PCI compliant vendor that works closely with auditors to ensure security standards exceed compliance standards. Protecting your personally identifiable information matters and Pushpay strictly controls data storage to ensure that it is protected and your privacy is preserved.
This platform actively monitors and checks for potentially fraudulent or malicious activity and our partners at Pushpay are prepared to respond. Extensive monitoring and attention to system activity lets Pushpay proactively address issues, monitor for change, and remain vigilant. Additional checks and identity validation are built into our application, protecting your payment methods and challenging unusual giving behavior.
From background checks to continuous training for all our staff as well as the Pushpay staff, our teams are well equipped to help us keep our data safe and our systems secure.
Have a security question? Email us here.
Q. Who do I contact for help with using the QuickGive platform?
A. For assistance, please call 407.876.4991 ext. 227 or email St. Luke’s Church Accountant, Andrea Whisnant-Burgis.
Q. What are the benefits of online or electronic giving?
A. The following are some of the benefits for you and St. Luke’s:
- It gives you an opportunity to determine what you would like to give in advance to the ministries of St. Luke’s and include these tithes and offerings in your financial planning.
- Online giving is fast, secure, mobile-friendly, and convenient.
- You don’t have to remember to bring your check book or cash to church on Sunday.
- You can give just once or set up a regular, automated schedule for giving, e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.
- It helps simplify life . . . no more trying to remember whether or not you have supported St. Luke’s ministries this week or
month. - When you give using a credit card, you will continue to earn credit card rewards, such as air miles, points, and cash back
if your credit card includes such a benefit. - You can reduce the number of paper checks you write.
- Giving can occur even when you are out of town or unable to attend a service.
- Regular online giving stabilizes giving patterns which, in turn, will help St. Luke’s better forecast and manage our resources.
- As more people give online, the administrative processes for receiving, counting, storing, and depositing funds and preparing detailed financial reports are streamlined. This frees up church personnel and volunteers to focus on other ministry opportunities.
Q. Is there a cost to set up and maintain an account on St. Luke’s QuickGive platform?
A. No. There is no charge to the donor for setting up or keeping an account open.
Q. What payment options are available through QuickGive?
A. With St. Luke’s QuickGive site, you can give through the following means:
- Credit card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express)
- Debit card
- Transfer from your bank account
Q. What are the fees for online-giving transactions?
A. No fees are incurred by you (the donor) for any contributions made using the online-giving system. However, St. Luke’s incurs a fee for contributions made via debit and credit cards.
Q. What if I change bank accounts or the credit/debit card I use for online giving?
A. You can change your payment method at any time by accessing your QuickGive account. Click here to learn more about changing your payment method.
Q. What if I want to adjust the date or amount or cancel a recurring donation?
A. You can log into your QuickGive account and change the recurring payment schedule, or cancel the donation, at any point. Click here to find out how to modify or cancel a recurring gift.
Q. Will I still receive an annual contribution statement for the funds I give electronically?
A. Yes. St. Luke’s will email or mail your year-end giving statement.
Q. Will I be provided a receipt for a one-time gift that I give electronically?
A. Yes. As soon as the one-time gift transaction goes through, you will see a link allowing you to print out a detailed receipt for your gift. You will also receive an e-mail notification with a confirmation number, the amount, and recipient information.
Q. Can St. Luke’s or the QuickGive system take money out of my account without my authorization?
A. Absolutely not! You control when and how much money is transferred either through initiating the one-time-giving option or recurring-gift option.
Q. Who can I contact if I still have questions?
A. For assistance, please call 407.876.4991 ext. 227 or email St. Luke’s Church Accountant, Andrea Whisnant-Burgis.
How to Commit
Do you seek God’s blessing on His church, St. Luke’s in your prayers? Do you ask for guidance in your daily walk and seek God’s direction for your life? Do you pray for those you know as well as those who have yet to enter your life?
Do you attend worship on a weekly basis unless you are sick or out of town? Are you plugged into a small group where you can be present and grow in your spiritual formation with Christ?
Do you tithe (10%) or working towards the tithe in giving to St. Luke’s? Are you striving to reach beyond the tithe in your other gifts and offerings?
Do you use your spiritual gifts and your life experience to serve others in the church, community and world? Does your personal use of time reflect this commitment?
Do you share your personal witness with others? Do you invite them to worship and other activities to expose them to the life changing experience of Jesus Christ?
Year-End Giving
If you are 70 ½ or older and planning your IRA withdrawal strategy, you may want to consider making charitable donations to the church through a Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD).
A QCD is a direct transfer of funds from your IRA payable to a qualified charity. QCDs can be counted toward satisfying your required minimum distributions (RMDs) for the year, if certain rules are met. In addition to the benefits of giving to charity, a QCD excludes the amount donated from taxable income, which is unlike regular withdrawals from an IRA. Keeping your taxable income lower may reduce the impact to certain tax credits and deductions, including Social Security and Medicare. Also, QCDs don’t require that you itemize, which due to the recent tax law changes, means you may decide to take advantage of the higher standard deduction, but still use a QCD for charitable giving.
Qualified charitable contributions must be made by December 31 each year in order to exclude that amount from taxable income.