St. Luke's United Methodist Church


4851 S. Apopka-Vineland Road
Orlando, FL 32819
Emergency Hotline Info



There is no greater joy than knowing that you have made a positive difference with your life.
A legacy gift can express your lasting love and faithfulness.
Each of us will be remembered by what we have shared: our life, our love, our time, our talents, and our treasures.

“God is able to provide you with every good gift in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything,  you may share abundantly in every good work” II Corinthians 9:8


What is the Endowment Fund?

St. Luke’s United Methodist Church Endowment Fund is a permanent fund established so that the values and legacy shared by our members can live on and further God’s work through our church for generations to come. Gifts to the Endowment Fund become a part of a perpetual fund with earnings used to advance St. Luke’s ministry and mission activities.
The Fund is built entirely upon the vision and generosity of St. Lukers and is separate from the church’s annual operating budget and building funds. Available funds are distributed to support projects above and beyond normal budgeted items.

Who Manages the Fund?
The Fund is managed by an Endowment Committee elected by the Charge Conference. The Committee administers the Endowment to ensure the preservation and growth of funds and manages gifts made through such avenues as wills, insurance, real estate or outright donations. The principal from these gifts is invested and distributions are used to strengthen and expand the ministries of the church.

How are the Funds Invested?
Funds are invested with the Florida United Methodist Foundation under the prudent guidance of the Endowment Committee.

How Can I Give to the Endowment Fund?
All gifts are welcome and each is important! Examples of gifts that can ensure the perpetuity and expansion of St. Luke’s and its ministries are:
• Cash/Checks
• Bequests through a will of a fixed amount or percentage.
• Stocks and bonds
• IRA or retirement account designation (all or part)
• Gift annuities
• Payable-on-death account (bank or brokerage account)
• Trusts
• Retirement plan
• Personal property
• Real estate
• Life insurance (all or part of a policy)
• Life-income contract
• Memorial gifts made by you now honoring others or memorial/tributes in your honor by relatives or friends.
• Contributions by you while living, so you may receive the tax benefits now.

What funds are available to support?

General Endowment Fund – This fund is established for gifts that have no existing fund designation. The income from this fund can be used to subsidize other funds or for purposes that may exist outside the scope of the other funds.

Capital Expenditures Endowment Fund – The income from this fund will support capital improvements at St. Luke’s. Capital improvements are fixed assets, such as land, buildings, equipment, software, furniture, and other items that are intended to be used more than one year in the operations of the church or a supported project of the church. The income from this fund is not intended to replace ordinary operating expenses of the church, but it may subsidize those operations and expenses.

Education Endowment Fund – The income from this fund will be used to support and offset the financial cost of education at St. Luke’s including, but not limited to, educational classes for all ages, continuing education for clergy and staff, undergraduate and post-graduate education of St. Lukers.

Endowment for the Arts – The income from this fund will support ministry through the arts at St. Luke’s. The arts include, but is not limited to, musical performance and composition, visual arts, and written composition.

Endowment for Congregational Care – The income from this fund will go to support developing and executing St. Luke’s mission of congregational care. This may include, but is not limited to, developing and supporting support groups, disaster relief efforts, job placement assistance, and financial support of individuals experiencing exceptional financial hardship.

Missions Capital Endowment Fund – This fund provides financial support for capital projects for our mission partners outside of St. Luke’s that are expected to have a life span beyond one year. This fund was established in 2008 and has been funding projects every year.

Community Counseling Center Endowment Fund – This fund will be used to support and expand mental health services within the community through St. Luke’s Community Counseling Center with a preference, but not limited to, providing scholarships to individuals in need of the services the Center provides.

McKeefery Seminary Scholarship Endowment Fund – This fund was established by Dr. Ruth McKeefery to honor her husband, Dr. William James McKeefery, and children, Dr. Virginia L. McKeefery-Reynolds, Carol A. McKeefery Banga and W. James McKeefery. This fund provides financial support for those attending seminary from the Florida Conference with the goal of becoming an Elder or Deacon.

Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra Endowment Fund – This fund provides funding to support the music of the Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra. St. Luke’s has historically had a long and rich choral tradition supporting the worship and mission of the church through worship services, concerts, and musical performances. This fund was established to secure the future of this great musical heritage, and it is actively engaged in seeking donations to raise the funds required to secure the future of the Sanctuary Choir, Orchestra, and the traditional worship ministry.

What if I’ve already included St. Luke’s in my estate plans?

THANK YOU! If St. Luke’s is already in your plans, we’d love to know. Having accurate records helps the church know how to administer your gift and we would like to thank you in person. Your gift will remain completely confidential and, if you prefer, can be anonymous. If you’re willing to let us know about your plans, please contact us. Thank you.

How Can I Get More Information About the St. Luke’s Endowment Fund?

We will be happy to answer your questions and refer you to the appropriate contact or resources for further information. Contact Scooter Leonard, Executive Director of Administration, at 407.876.4991 ext. 223.
The Endowment Committee also sponsors periodic educational seminars on estate planning and planned giving. Please check the church website for scheduled events.


There are many ways to support St. Luke’s Endowment Funds (click the “What is the Endowment Fund?” tab above for a variety of options), but here are just a few:

  • Online – visit (or the “Click to Give” button below), select “Endowment Fund” from the dropdown menu, and then type the name of the Endowment Fund you’d like to support in the Notes section (full list of Funds available in the “What funds are available to support?” tab above)
  • St. Luke’s App – tap “Give” on the home screen of the APP, select “Endowment Fund” from the dropdown menu, and then type the name of the Endowment Fund you’d like to support in the Notes section (full list of Funds available in the “What funds are available to support?” tab above)
  • In person – give your designated gift in worship during the Offering time, or put your gift in the metal lockbox outside the entrance to Building C (please note the specific Endowment Fund Title in the memo line of your check or write it on the envelope)
  • Check – make checks payable to St. Luke’s UMC, note the specific Endowment Fund Title in the memo line of your check and drop it off at the church office OR mail it to:

St. Luke’s United Methodist Church (c/o Finance Office)
4851 S. Apopka-Vineland Rd.
Orlando, FL 32819

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