In Baptism – among other things – one is incorporated into the local church. They become a “baptized member” of St. Luke’s. Therefore, it is important that there be a connection and relationship with the individual being baptized and St. Luke’s UMC.
Part of what happens in the baptism ceremony is the congregation makes promises to the child (person being baptized) to surround the individual with love, support, and care. The parents, family, and sponsors or godparents also make a promise to raise the child in the local church – to be active in Worship, as well as Grow, Serve, and Connect opportunities. We take these promises seriously. That is one of the reasons why we strive to provide the best nursery, Sunday School, Children’s and Youth Ministries to do our best to live into that baptismal promise. For more information on the United Methodist Church and the sacrament of baptism, click here.
Infant/Children Baptism Classes
Infant/Children Baptism classes take place on the first Thursday of the month (unless otherwise noted) at 5:30 p.m. It is highly recommended that both parents attend the class as it is helpful for both parents to understand what Methodists believe about baptism and what to expect on Baptism Sunday. Please note we are providing baptism classes via Zoom. Registration is required. Please click on a date below to register for a class. Contact the Care office at 407.876.4991 ext. 262 or email for more information.
- January 9 (Please note class will be on the second Thursday of the month.)
- February 6
- March 6
Infant/Children Baptism at Worship
Baptism for infants/children is only offered on the third Sunday of the month at the 9:30 a.m. contemporary worship service and at the 10:00 a.m. traditional worship service unless otherwise noted below. Please select the Sunday you wish to baptize your child through the online registration process for the baptism class. If you have previously attended a baptism class at St. Luke’s and wish to baptize another child, please email or call 407.876.4991 ext. 262 to review the availability of available baptism dates and to receive baptism paperwork to complete.
Baptism Dates through March 2025
- December 15
- January 19
- February 16
- March 16
Adult Baptism
Adults seeking baptism should attend the New Members Classes. Adult Baptisms occur when new members join St. Luke’s. If you have any questions or need more information regarding Baptism, please email the care office or call 407.876.4991 ext. 262.