Lisa Crump
Parish Nurse
Email: lcrump@stlukes.one
Phone: 407.876.4991 ext. 300
Lisa graduated with a Bachelor’s in Nursing from Florida State University. Her prior experience was in Med-Surg and Cardiac Nursing. Lisa worked with a local Orlando Cardiologist serving as his primary nurse while organizing hospital rounds, assisting with procedures, taking call, etc. She was blessed to develop strong relationships with her patients and other professionals.
Lisa took a break from her work to raise her family. She is married to Jon Crump and they have three grown boys who are all attending FSU. Jon and Lisa have been with St Luke’s since 1987 and have been very involved over the many years. Lisa has been volunteering in the Care Office serving as the Care Visitation Coordinator and helps lead the Caregiver Support Group. She also enjoys singing with our Sanctuary Choir. She enjoys traveling, crafts, cooking, and spending time with family.
Most recently Lisa obtained her certification as a Faith Community Nurse or Parish Nurse and was added to Staff as the Parish Nurse in 2023.