Are you grieving the loss of a spouse/partner? Do you know someone who is? Attend St. Luke’s free in person program entitled “GriefShare: Loss of a Spouse” on Sunday, January 12 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Barnes Learning Center, Room 210 (second floor of Founder’s Hall adjacent to Building C).
Our GriefShare lay team will lead this workshop. You’ll be able to interact with other people who are mourning the loss of their spouses/partners and share an understanding of what you’re going through. A special participant workbook is available with encouraging exercises to read, work through, and apply to your personal situation. This special program is open to anyone who is grieving the death of their spouse/partner no matter how long ago they may have passed. Learn ways to work through your grief and look toward the future with a measure of hope. Please register beforehand so we may have enough workbooks and refreshments on hand for all participants.
Contact the Care office at 407.876.4991 ext. 262 for more information.