St. Luke's United Methodist Church


4851 S. Apopka-Vineland Road
Orlando, FL 32819
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Announcement from Pastor David Stephens

Posted on April 14, 2016 at 12:37 pm in .

Dear St. Lukers,

Over the last several months, the Staff Parish Relations Committee, church leadership and Pastor David Stephens have been in conversation about David’s role at St. Luke’s and his desire to retire. David wanted to be cognizant of his retirement as it related to Pastor Bill’s retirement and helping with consistency as Pastor Jenn took over as Lead Pastor. We are grateful to David for giving us this time and delaying his desire to retire until the transition was finalized. With that being said, I am announcing today that Pastor David Stephens will retire as the full-time Minister of Congregational Care as of May 22. The good news is that David will return to St. Luke’s in July as our part-time visitation pastor where he will concentrate his time connecting with those St. Lukers in assisted living facilities, those who are hospitalized, and those that just desire a visit at their home. We are excited to still have David on staff and look forward to this very important ministry that he will continue.

Hello Dear Friends,

How many chapters of life are contained in 28 years? At least four in my opinion since seven seems to be the Biblical number of perfection.   If that is the case then Marca and I have been blessed by four perfect chapters of ministry here at St. Luke’s. Now it is time, however, for us to retire. We hope to embark on a new chapter of life, one at least more full of time with grandchildren, daughters and family.  

At the end of May, Pastor Jad Denmark will become your Minister of Congregational Care and I will move into a part-time position as Visitation Pastor under his leadership. Already a new Care Leadership team has been formed to enhance and advance our connections of support and love throughout our community of faith.  I look forward to being a part of this new Care Ministry Team. Pastors Jenn, Jad, Corey, and I along with our families, will continue to embrace you all with love and care.

Most of all at this time in life I feel a tremendous gratitude for all the love and kindness you have all poured out upon Marca and me through these years. We have in the last few months shared our devotional time with tears of joy in our eyes, thinking of all the ways we have laughed and cried together, and served our gracious Lord.   I know you join with us in saying “God is good – all the time.”

Thanks for allowing us to come into your hearts and homes. You are amazing and together we serve an amazing Savior. I will be preaching on Sunday, May 22 a final message of challenge for us all in the traditional worship services. I hope you can join Marca and me in prayer and worship. May God Bless us All in powerful ways.

Yours Sincerely,

Pastor David and Marca Stephens

We also want to honor Pastor David and all of his years of ministry at St. Luke’s and we felt the best way to do this was by planning the Inaugural Pastor David Stephens 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, May 21. This event will be held in Windermere and the run will start at 8:00 a.m. (arrive at 7:30 a.m.). If you are not a runner/walker we encourage you to come out and encourage those that are participants in the event.  There is a registration fee of $25 per person and a $60 immediate family maximum. All proceeds will be divided between Pastor David’s ministry passions, which include Family Assistance and Recreational Ministries at St. Luke’s. If you would like to offer a special gift in honor of Pastor David please make checks payable to St. Luke’s and indicated Pastor David in the memo. Click on this link to register for the event.  If you have any questions, please contact Chris Smith, Director of Family and Recreational Ministries at or 407.876.4991 ext. *290.

Pastor David will preach at all traditional worship services on Sunday, May 22 as his last official sermon.  We will have a time of celebration between each service. Please send any cards and well wishes to the church. We would like to present them to Pastor David during the services on May 22.


Staff Parish Relations Committee

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